Playing in the snow can be a lot of fun, especially if you get to make snowballs and snowmen. But snow on the ground can be a major interference with driving cars, and particularly trucks. The snow on a ground makes the roads very slippery and dangerous. That is why it is essential to prepare your truck for winter by fitting proper tires. KETER TYRE pneumàtics de neu de camions are aimed at keeping you safe while driving on snowy roads.
While it is common for someone to be caught off guard by bad weather, relying on regular tires to stop your truck from slipping and sliding down the road during cold and snowy conditions may not be enough. That’s where truck winter tires enter the picture. These “special” tires are designed to better grip the road in icy and snowy conditions. Meaning that they allow you to have increased control over your truck and quicker reacting to how you drive your truck in bad weather.
Unlike ordinary tires which retain winter attributes, truck winter tires feature deeper grooves and adhere to special types of rubber. That lets them grip the road better in winter weather. Thanks to this added traction, you can bring your truck to a stop faster and handle it easier, even on roads that have a layer of ice on them. KETER TYRE pneumàtics de neu de camions give you so much more confidence and security to drive a truck in the snow.
One thing to do ahead of time, before the snow begins to fall, is swap out your regular tires for winter tires. This can be very useful to save you from problems in the snow. KETER TYRE has developed high-quality truck winter tires tailored for optimal performance in cold weather. However, to avoid getting your truck stuck in the snow and prevent a potential disaster, prepare your truck with the right tires to give you a safer experience driving in the snow.
Driving on icy roads can be very hard on trucks. Thus, the necessity of having good winter tires. They can certainly assist you in safely negotiating ice and snow. The KETER TYRE pneumàtics tot terreny de camions are the ideal choice if you want to reach the maximum performance on the ice. This also means they provide the stability and control you need to drive confidently even in less-than-ideal weather conditions.
On the other hand, it can also be quite dangerous if your truck isn't fitted out properly to handle the roads covered in snow. It is highly recommended to buy KETER TYRE pneumàtics tot terreny de camions so that you can drive safely in the snow. You want to be prepared before the snow flies, so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck or losing control on the road.
Totes les línies de productes de l'empresa es desenvolupen de manera independent i els seus motlles són autoinvertits, i no hi ha productes homogenis al mercat.
L'empresa ven més de 2 milions de pneumàtics anualment, amb més de 2,000 SKU en producció. Les seves línies de productes inclouen PCR (pneumàtic radial per a cotxes de passatgers), TBR (pneumàtic radial per a camions i autobusos), OTR (pneumàtic fora de carretera), AGR (pneumàtic agrícola) i WHEELS, oferint serveis d'adquisició única.
L'empresa compta amb 16 anys d'experiència en la producció i el comerç de pneumàtics radials d'acer i semi-acer. Té més de 3,600 clients cooperatius a 176 països i regions d'arreu del món.
Les bases de producció de la companyia es troben a tota la Xina, Tailàndia i Cambodja. També té sucursals a Qingdao, Dubai i els Estats Units.