When driving up a bumpy forest path or a slippery mountain road. With these Tajers 275 r60 20, you will have the grip necessary to continue your travels safely and confidently, no matter where you head out to.
KETER TYRE 275 65r18 all-terrain tires can easily drive over any kind of surface. They have an excellent tread pattern, so the design on the surface of the tire provides it with a great amount of ability to grip the earth. These tires have a rugged build that enables them to undergo rough and bumpy roads effortlessly. When these tires are on your car you will never feel more confident driving over bumps or climbing steep hills. No more getting stuck in the mud or losing control on icy streets — these 275 60r20 tajers off road really get to work keeping you steady and where you belong no matter where you go.
These intense KETER TYRE 275 65r18 all-terrain tires make your vehicle more powerful and efficient. These tires not only provide a good grip on the ground but also helps to maintain balance and control on various types of surfaces. While driving on the highway or in bad weather and off road, you will feel a huge difference in the performance of your car. These tires will enable you to enjoy your adventures to the fullest and make any trip as exciting as possible thanks to their robust build quality and firm grip.
You'll feel confident when negotiating rugged ground with 275 65r18 all-terrain tires. These tires will help you keep moving through rocky paths, muddy trails, or sandy beaches. With a rugged tread design and robust sidewalls, these tires provide ultimate protection for your vehicle, allowing you to conquer any terrain. These incredible tire with your vehicle enable you to travel one step further and they offer you to face even the toughest situation involving any weather with no any worry and concern.
Best Traction With Various 275 65r18 All-Terrain Tires Designed to match the mechanics of your SUV, truck, or crossover hybrid, these Tajers 275 65r18 are a convenient match. Not only do they provide superior grip and handling, they also give you a smooth, comfortable ride on any surface you drive on. KETER TYRE shall make 275 65r18 all-terrain tires help protect them, they will get your best driving experience and allow you to travel to all places, so you can feel safer.
Il-linji ta 'prodotti kollha tal-kumpanija huma żviluppati b'mod indipendenti u l-forom tagħhom huma investiti waħedhom, u m'hemm l-ebda prodotti omoġenji fis-suq.
Il-kumpanija għandha 16-il sena ta 'esperjenza fil-produzzjoni u l-kummerċ ta' kollha - tajers radjali ta 'l-azzar u semi-azzar. Għandha aktar minn 3,600 klijent kooperattiv madwar 176 pajjiż u reġjun madwar id-dinja.
Il-kumpanija tbigħ aktar minn 2 miljun tajer fis-sena, b'aktar minn 2,000 SKU fil-produzzjoni. Il-linji tal-prodotti tagħha jkopru PCR (tajer Radjali tal-Karozza tal-Passiġġieri), TBR (tajer Radjali tat-Trakk u Xarabank), OTR (tajer Off - the Road), AGR (tajer Agrikolu), u WHEELS, li jipprovdu servizzi ta’ akkwist wieħed.
Il-bażijiet tal-produzzjoni tal-kumpanija jinsabu madwar iċ-Ċina, it-Tajlandja, u l-Kambodja. Għandha wkoll kumpaniji tal-fergħat fi Qingdao, Dubai, u l-Istati Uniti.